Designed with Inkpad by Nicolas Saez
Nicolas Saez is an audiovisual artist who has used Inkpad to design all of the artwork for his latest project, "Y". Here Nicolas has shared the original artwork and photographs of the physical prints. In the photograph of the print for "FYM!", you can also see the artwork in Inkpad on Nicolas' iPad.

The Great Reset.



Just Getting Started.


About Nicolas.
"Based in Brussels and focused on audiovisual design, I followed studies in a Belgian Fame-like art school (ah!) that allowed me to grow into a jack of all trades in everything media. After working with indie musicians, non-profits and shiny ad clients, I'm now getting back to my roots of examining our impending doom with childlike wonder."
"When it comes to drawing, my first love was a mouse and the bezier curves it allowed me to control. While my father was an exceptional oil painter, matter frustrated my own mathematical perceptions and I hadn't found my childhood dream setup until I installed Inkpad on my first iPad. So much so that it has literally replaced Illustrator in my work flow."
"'Y' is my latest personal project, featuring 6 illustrations, 4 tracks and 2 videos. The artwork, entirely designed in Inkpad, was printed as a limited edition on aluminum covered in plexiglass to preserve the luminous and reflective nature of a screen. But seeing them on canvas, as cushions or on a phone case is pretty great too."
"If you'd like to know more, you can visit my website here:"
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